Hello Terraform Operator Example
Create your first Terraform resource using Terraform-operator
Create a Terraform resource by running this hello_world example:
printf 'apiVersion: tf.isaaguilar.com/v1alpha2
kind: Terraform
name: hello-tfo
namespace: "default"
terraformVersion: 1.3.0-beta1
source: https://github.com/isaaguilar/simple-aws-tf-modules.git//create_file
backend: |-
terraform {
backend "kubernetes" {
secret_suffix = "hello-tfo"
in_cluster_config = true
namespace = "default"
keepCompletedPods: true
ignoreDelete: true
'|kubectl apply -f-
backend "kubernetes"
is an available backend for Terraform v0.13+.
See the pods getting created:
kubectl get po -w| grep hello-tfo
Finally, go ahead and delete the resource:
kubectl delete tf hello-tfo
The default behavior is to clean up the terraform resource. Watch the delete workflow being executed:
The delete will go by fast for this sample module, so the following command may not show any results. If that's the case, the terraform was already cleaned up.
kubectl get po -w| grep hello-tfo